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Thank you to the very generous parents who gifted Mrs Choudhury with a special gift to celebrate Eid.


Amal in Willow class has completed a wonderful project all about animal adaptations and climate change at home. She has learned some amazing information and facts that she was then able to share with the class!


Year 2 had a fantastic parent showcase session and sewed the most creative finger puppets for their DT final outcome!


Raluka, in Willow Class spent time at home making a Tudor house following our history learning on The Great Fire of London. In D.T., we have also looked at architectural features of Tudor houses - can you name any?


Year 4 had a fantastic time at Kent County Showground performing their spy dance to a full audience of PE teachers across Kent. They even got a breakdancing and football trick show from and finished the day with a water fight! Well done Birch Class dance 🕺


Year 6 have completed some excellent diagrams of the heart and written about its functions in Science.


Four of our budding authors met earlier this week to learn about how to improve their writing. They had a very inspiring morning. Thank you to for hosting.


Willow class had a wonderful time today as Bockett’s farm. We were able to learn a lot of information about horses, see newly born piglets, ride on a tractor, touch a variety of small animals, and even became recycling superstars! Thank you , we had the best day!


We have thoroughly enjoyed every second of our trip to ! We’ve learned about the names of male, female and young animals and even got a ride on a tractor!


Eddie in Year 2 has been telling us all about the Rugby Tournament he took part in over the weekend. Well done Eddie! 🏉 If you have taken part in any exciting sporting events outside of school, we would love to hear about it! 🏆


Well done to our Year 4 mathematicians this week who came 3rd in The VIAT Maths Challenge! 🥉


KS2 enjoying the sunshine at lunchtime today.


Year 1 had a wonderful time at their phonics parent showcase. They were able to show their fantastic phonics knowledge and engage in some fun activities such as phonics snakes and ladders!


Year 6 were lucky enough to experience a heart dissection workshop (linking to our current science topic, and novel - Pig Heart Boy) with Dr Crouch - and three of his Sixth Form students - from Invicta Grammar School.


Thanks to Lynn’s Little Bookshop for our fabulous competition prize!


Well done to some of our Year 4 mathematicians for competing in the VIPS maths competition.


Year 1 Willow class had a wonderful time exploring their 5 senses yesterday. They used their senses to identify different tastes, textures, smells, sounds, and how objects look!


Year 1 are enjoying every moment of their History and D.T. learning. We have been learning about The Great Fire of London in History. We will a create our very own Tudor houses with hinge joints, wooden beams, small windows and many other interesting architectural features.


Elm Class have worked incredibly hard to become poets this week! Here is a range of writing from our publishing lesson. If you read the riddles, can you guess what is being described?


Thank you to who put on a 1-hour session for our girls football team today. The girls have all been invited to trial for the player development squad which they are all extremely excited about!


A huge congratulations to Zhilab in Year 6 who has joined development squad following a successful trial. This was after he was invited from the 1-hour session that took place during school last term.


Thank you to ⁦⁩ who put on a 1-hour session for our girls football team today. The girls have all been invited to trail for the player development squad which they are all extremely excited about!


Year 6 have demonstrated their culinary prowess today and made the Italian appetiser, Bruschetta, as part of our DT topic!


A massive congratulations to Elsie in Mulberry Class for achieving her Level 1 award at gymnastics. Keep up the great work!


Mulberry Class have been learning about different habitats and what they provide to animals in Science. We cannot wait to get outside and start investigating 🔎


At Valley Invicta Primary School, we have ambition for all pupils.

We identify their passions or goals and regularly reflect the progress pupils are making. We celebrate their successes and accomplishments and give pupils the tools to develop as lifelong learners. We equip pupils with the tools to become confident and resilient members of society, making informed decisions and challenging stereotypes.  

We have clear, global aims and offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which is enriching and personal to the context of each school. We inspire pupils to think big, broaden their understanding of the world and encounter diversity. Our global themes and ideas allow pupils to develop an intrinsic curiosity of the world around them.  

Our curriculum acknowledges that pupils excel and find passions in different subjects. Therefore, it shows a clear ambition for pupils to excel in the arts, humanities, and sport, not just in the traditional core subjects of English and Maths. Our Curriculum is rich in knowledge and is meaningful to pupils, building on content year on year and helping pupils to build connections between concepts and subjects. 

We have high expectations - setting the bar high. We encourage our teachers to be ambitious in their subject knowledge and understanding of curriculum design . Lessons are carefully planned with clear outcomes, and we encourage pupils to be intrinsically ambitious in their own success. Teachers expect work which is of a high quality, and which encourages children to excel.  

Character and Qualities 

Our curriculum aims to support all pupils to develop positive personal traits and to become independent learners who take responsibility for their actions. To show care, respect and kindness within their local and wider communities, so they become actively involved in public life as adults. 

Confidence and resilience 

Our curriculum equips all pupils with the tools needed to be confident and resilient individuals who are able to use their knowledge of strategies learnt to keep themselves mentally healthy. 


A successful and effective transition means that young pupils flourish. At Valley Invicta Academies Trust, we place significant importance in ensuring the transition process is smooth and rigorous for all pupils. Learning about change and how to cope with it will help with any transition. This will also prepare them for many other changes and challenges they will face in life.

Transition beyond KS2 

It is our intention to ensure that preparation for Secondary Transition is embedded within our curriculum. This will enable all pupils and parents to feel fully informed and to have access to experiences that will motivate and encourage ambition.  

Maidstone is an area where the secondary education options are extensive and strong. We believe that it is our responsibility to support pupils and parents in making the choice that is right for them. Within VIAT, there are three comprehensive schools (SST, Valley Park School and The Lenham School) and one grammar school (Invicta Grammar School) and the majority of our pupils attend one of these schools. The school authorises absence in Year 5 and 6 for parents to take their children to look around the local schools and, in their Personal Development lessons, the pupils explore what the different schools have to offer. As part of the decision making process, the school gives a presentation to Year 5 parents about the process for applying for a secondary school place and, in particular, how to apply to take the 11+ test which would enable a child to attend grammar school should they pass. We give parents an overview of the structure and broad content of the tests, we signpost to resources that parents may wish to use at home with their child, and we share pupil Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) scores with parents to give an indication as to whether a grammar school education might be suitable for their child. 

Breadth of Experiences. World of work/Careers 

World of Work/Careers   

Within our setting pupils are provided with rich opportunities and experiences from the beginning of their school experience to understand the world of work and the opportunities and pathways that are available to them. The breadth of careers within our curriculum challenge and tackle stereotypes of work and promote entrepreneurship. The aim of this part of our ambition curriculum is for pupils to feel confident in their pathways for their future and to recognise how education supports them on this journey. 

Building Skills from the Early Years 

We create an exciting curriculum, which develops curious attitudes. In celebrating what makes our individual pupils unique we harness particular interests, to help shape our work. Quality story books and topics help us to tailor activities, which maximise engagement and progress and prepare pupils well for Transition into Year 1. 

Closing the Gap  

Early Intervention 

Equality of opportunity   

As a diverse and multinational community, we ensure that pupils from all backgrounds and starting points are able to access and enjoy the opportunities our curriculum has to offer. Pupils can thrive together and have an understanding that difference is a positive and that uniqueness should be celebrated. Our curriculum and school ethos and values promote an inclusive environment and meets the needs of all pupils and protected characteristics. 

Widening horizons 


Our wider curriculum enables pupils to explore a variety of opportunities allowing them to discover their interests and talents through extra-curricular activities, clubs, trips and visitors. Through memorable experiences, pupils are exposed to diverse and rich opportunities from which they can learn and develop a range of transferable skills. Musical, sporting and artistic talents are all valued and celebrated! 

Global Citizens benefit our communities. 

Our curriculum equips pupils with the knowledge and skills to successfully navigate their role as a member of society, recognising and understanding how fundamental British Values underpin life in modern Britain. They are given opportunities to discuss and challenge local and global issues and are encouraged to use their learning to become actively involved in public life as adults.