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Thank you to the very generous parents who gifted Mrs Choudhury with a special gift to celebrate Eid.


Amal in Willow class has completed a wonderful project all about animal adaptations and climate change at home. She has learned some amazing information and facts that she was then able to share with the class!


Year 2 had a fantastic parent showcase session and sewed the most creative finger puppets for their DT final outcome!


Raluka, in Willow Class spent time at home making a Tudor house following our history learning on The Great Fire of London. In D.T., we have also looked at architectural features of Tudor houses - can you name any?


Year 4 had a fantastic time at Kent County Showground performing their spy dance to a full audience of PE teachers across Kent. They even got a breakdancing and football trick show from and finished the day with a water fight! Well done Birch Class dance 🕺


Year 6 have completed some excellent diagrams of the heart and written about its functions in Science.


Four of our budding authors met earlier this week to learn about how to improve their writing. They had a very inspiring morning. Thank you to for hosting.


Willow class had a wonderful time today as Bockett’s farm. We were able to learn a lot of information about horses, see newly born piglets, ride on a tractor, touch a variety of small animals, and even became recycling superstars! Thank you , we had the best day!


We have thoroughly enjoyed every second of our trip to ! We’ve learned about the names of male, female and young animals and even got a ride on a tractor!


Eddie in Year 2 has been telling us all about the Rugby Tournament he took part in over the weekend. Well done Eddie! 🏉 If you have taken part in any exciting sporting events outside of school, we would love to hear about it! 🏆


Well done to our Year 4 mathematicians this week who came 3rd in The VIAT Maths Challenge! 🥉


KS2 enjoying the sunshine at lunchtime today.


Year 1 had a wonderful time at their phonics parent showcase. They were able to show their fantastic phonics knowledge and engage in some fun activities such as phonics snakes and ladders!


Year 6 were lucky enough to experience a heart dissection workshop (linking to our current science topic, and novel - Pig Heart Boy) with Dr Crouch - and three of his Sixth Form students - from Invicta Grammar School.


Thanks to Lynn’s Little Bookshop for our fabulous competition prize!


Well done to some of our Year 4 mathematicians for competing in the VIPS maths competition.


Year 1 Willow class had a wonderful time exploring their 5 senses yesterday. They used their senses to identify different tastes, textures, smells, sounds, and how objects look!


Year 1 are enjoying every moment of their History and D.T. learning. We have been learning about The Great Fire of London in History. We will a create our very own Tudor houses with hinge joints, wooden beams, small windows and many other interesting architectural features.


Elm Class have worked incredibly hard to become poets this week! Here is a range of writing from our publishing lesson. If you read the riddles, can you guess what is being described?


Thank you to who put on a 1-hour session for our girls football team today. The girls have all been invited to trial for the player development squad which they are all extremely excited about!


A huge congratulations to Zhilab in Year 6 who has joined development squad following a successful trial. This was after he was invited from the 1-hour session that took place during school last term.


Thank you to ⁦⁩ who put on a 1-hour session for our girls football team today. The girls have all been invited to trail for the player development squad which they are all extremely excited about!


Year 6 have demonstrated their culinary prowess today and made the Italian appetiser, Bruschetta, as part of our DT topic!


A massive congratulations to Elsie in Mulberry Class for achieving her Level 1 award at gymnastics. Keep up the great work!


Mulberry Class have been learning about different habitats and what they provide to animals in Science. We cannot wait to get outside and start investigating 🔎


100 books to read before you leave primary school

At Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford we believe that it is every child’s right to be able to access the world around them through the medium of language. As such, we promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, enabling them to listen, speak, read and write confidently for a wide range of purposes throughout their school years and beyond. We recognise that it is important to cultivate an enthusiasm and appreciation for literacy and aspire to do so by ensuring real-life and cross-curricular learning experiences.


The English Curriculum at Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • read easily, fluently and with good understanding.
  • develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.
  • acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
  • appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage.
  • write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
  • use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas.
  • are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.

Spoken Language 

At Aylesford, we recognise the importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and linguistically. We nurture the development of pupils’ confidence and competence in spoken language and listening skills by providing a range of opportunities for children to speak and listen for different purposes and audiences. The teaching of spoken language is underpinned throughout all other areas of the curriculum.


We are a reading school and aim to instil a love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. We believe that it is every child’s right to learn to read and we hope that many children go beyond this and develop a love and passion for reading. Staff act as reading role-models and children have access to a wide range of quality texts both in the class libraries and the main school library. Through reading, pupils at Aylesford have opportunities to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Our reading teaching focuses on developing pupils’ competence in the two dimensions:

  • word reading (decoding - taught through Read Write Inc phonics)
  • fluency (speed of reading)
  • comprehension (both listening and reading)  

At Aylesford, all children are encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction genres to develop their knowledge of themselves. Through daily reading, we aim to feed our pupils’ imaginations and open up a treasure-house of wonder and joy for curious minds. Reading is taught in discrete phonic sessions (one-to-one with a teacher or teaching assistant) and through whole class reading lessons. In addition to this, there are daily timetabled sessions to develop independent and sustained reading skills.

Through termly teacher assessments, each child is tracked ensuring that they are being supported and challenged at the appropriate level.


Children develop a joy for writing from the emergent writing in the Foundation Stage to the accomplished and confident writers that leave our school. At Aylesford, our English teaching focuses on the following areas:

  • transcription (spelling and handwriting)
  • composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in writing)

We acknowledge the value of ‘Talk for Writing’ and through the use of well-planned learning sequences, children are given opportunities to verbalise ideas in most sessions. Writing is taught through discrete phonics sessions and through the use of shared, modelled writing and guided writing. Teachers use feedback marking to inform pupils of their next steps and to inform future planning. At Aylesford, we value the importance of children reflecting on their own learning, and that of peers, to edit and improve their writing as a result.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) are taught throughout KS1 and 2. Spelling is taught following the Read Write Inc (RWI) Spelling programme. Pupils are taught spelling rules and patterns which are then practised daily through various games and activities both in class and at home. At Aylesford, it is our aim to give children confidence in their own spelling ability. As a result, children strive to use the best word rather than the easiest word when they are writing. New vocabulary, often linked to the text or the Creative Curriculum, is introduced and embedded in every English lesson. Pupils also have regular, weekly lessons focussed on teaching the rules of grammar and punctuation which are underpinned and identified in text work and then applied to their own writing. As part of our feedback marking, teachers will highlight the next steps for children’s grammar and punctuation learning as well as identifying spelling words for children to practise.

GPS Glossary

Our Curriculum

Literacy is taught throughout the school on a daily basis. In the Foundation Stage, children follow the ‘Communication, Language and Literacy’ area of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Children have discrete taught sessions of phonics (following the Read Write Inc. programme) and reading, where children are encouraged to share and respond to a range of texts. Speaking and Listening underpins all aspects of the Foundation Stage curriculum where children are encouraged to explore through role play and to continually converse for different purposes and to varying audiences. To compliment this, during child initiated learning time, children have free access to class libraries, writing areas and phonics resources.

The English Programmes of Study for Key Stage 1 and 2 are followed throughout Years One to Six and are combined with daily Read Write Inc. Phonics Sessions for pupils in Key Stage 1. Read Write Inc. intervention sessions continue throughout Key Stage 2 for those children who still have not met the age related expectation.