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Sausage rolls and fruit kebabs made at cooking club tonight! Delicious!#HealthEating


Year 5 were absolutely thrilled to receive a reply from school and hear about the difference their art work, cards and money raised has made to the staff and children.


Year 6 created fantastic mood boards in Art using a range of resources. These really helped develop their ideas for the WW2 propaganda posters they are going to make.


At lunch today, Luna and Victoria drew a fantastic diagram of our solar system on the chalkboards and gave a group of younger children a quick Science lesson! Well done, girls, for sharing your excellent subject knowledge!


Excellent map work and geographical skills in Year 2 day. The children loved trying a range of French foods whilst exploring facts about France in their country study.


We were thrilled to see so many children in KS1 earning their Basil Bear for 100 reads today. Such great commitment to their daily reading!


Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their science workshop this morning. They learnt a lot about optical illusions and chemical reactions.


Year 5 had a great learning launch for their topic of space this term. We even tried space food!


Year 3 making their moving monsters with a pneumatic system in DT this week!


Yesterday, Year 3 was joined by a WaterAid volunteer. The children saw how the money they raised will help people all across the world. Thank you for delivering the assembly to our children.


We all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner cooked by Amanda and our Cucina team and we had crackers provided by our amazing PTA. Merry Christmas.


Year 5 are so proud of their artwork raising £137 for . We are sending some Christmas cards and Lino prints to the hospital to thank their staff and hopefully bring some Christmas joy to the children.


EYFS have raised over £100 for the Salvation Army’s Be a Star Christmas campaign by baking and decorating biscuits this week.


Our choir visited Bradbury House in the RBLI village and sang some lovely Christmas songs for the residents.


Gymnastics results are in! Special shout out to the following children: Alarna - 1st place UKS2 🥇 Sofia - 2nd place UKS2 🥈 Mia - 3rd place UKS2 🥉 Zeynep - 3rd place UKS2 🥉 All teams placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd out of 7 schools. Well done Aylesford!


Year 4 had lots of fun in science this week finding out whether materials are conductors or insulators.


Year 2 have learned so much about cooking in DT this term. They showed an impressive range of skills to bake their flatbreads and make dips to go with them. They absolutely loved eating the finished products too!


Amazing concentration in our DT lesson in Year 2. The children have developed their cutting, chopping and slicing skills ready to make their healthy snacks.


Despite the wet weather on Tuesday, Year 3 still completed their sponsored walk for . Thank you to everyone who has donated. If you would still like to donate the link is below! Every penny is very much appreciated.


SANTA DASH 2024 🎅🏻 Thanks to our parents, staff and friends and a brilliant effort from all of our children, we managed to raise a huge £796 for Crisis!


Year 3 loved observing different types of soils in Science. We looked at the texture and appearance!


We are all working hard to improve our vocabulary and Ewan in Year 3 used our Word Of The Week in his writing and received his prize in assembly. So far we have had spontaneous, propelled and surprise.


Thank you so much to for our blind football resources. The children will absolutely love using these as part of our drive for sport for all.


Aylesford’s amazing Santa Dash fundraising for Crisis at Christmas. So proud of everyone who took part and supported.

    Learning Environment

    We show our children trust and they learn they can be trusted.  We treat them with respect and get respectful behaviour in return.  We put them in a beautiful place; give them a small taste of what a decent, dignified future might feel like, and that makes all the difference.  The beauty we have designed in our centre isn’t just window dressing; it is an essential part of our success.  It nourishes the spirit, and until you reach that part of the spirit that isn’t touched by cynicism or despair, no change can begin.” Bill Strickland

    “A clean and well-kept building guarantees nothing about the quality of work children will accomplish within it.  But it matters.  It’s a message.  It’s a visual model of the ethic within the building.  The building doesn’t have to be a palace but it has to show the children, the teachers, and the parents that somebody cares about them.  I don’t think this is possible without local pride.  When a community is proud of its schools, the children who live there become part of this ethic.” Ron Berger

    “It is almost impossible to say that there is a mathematical relationship between the beauty of his surroundings and the activity of the child; he will make discoveries rather more voluntarily in a gracious setting than in an ugly one.” Dr Maria Montessori

    During lockdown and into the summer holidays many changes were afoot here at Aylesford Primary School.  Amongst the most visible of these has been the transformation of the Learning Environment.  As a school we decided to embrace the time that lockdown gifted us; classrooms were cleared and decluttered and corridor displays were created ready to celebrate pupil learning outcomes from our new and exciting curriculum.  Magical and inviting book corners appeared in every classroom to help inspire and support a love of books and reading.  Sadly, we are unable to welcome visitors into school for the foreseeable future.  However, we wanted to share with you some of the exciting changes that have taken place. 

    We want our Learning Environment to be aspirational for our pupils; our displays model the excellence that we expect in published writing and artwork so that the children can really take pride when their own learning is published.  Our corridors showcase the artwork of talented students at Invicta Grammar school, demonstrating to our younger pupils what they might achieve as their learning journey progresses towards secondary school.

    Within classrooms, working walls for key subjects focus on current learning reinforcing, with visual reminders, key aspects and vocabulary and demonstrating clearly to the children what their learning outcomes should look like.  This approach models the ‘Teaching Backwards’ technique, promoted by Andy Griffith and Mark Burns, who recently ran a one-day workshop for VIAT primary school staff. 

    You can see some of our fantastic displays below - just click on the titles for our galleries! 

    Our corridors

    1   2   3   4   5   7   8   9   1010   11   12

    Book Corners

    1   2      4   3   5   

    Learning Walls

    1   2   3   4


    1   2   3   4

    Aspirational Art

    1   2   3