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Year 6 have been learning about blood and the circulatory system in Science. They made their own blood samples to help them understand its components and what their functions are.


Year 3 have been working on developing their oracy skills in English. Today, we worked in groups of 4 to write a 4 - verse poem about winter. This links to our class text Ice Palace.


Huge congratulations to Frank in Year R who received this trophy at the weekend for his achievements in his first ever football session! Well done!


Year 3 began their Art learning sequence last Friday, where their final piece will be a collage based on the Arctic or Antarctic. They loved looking at the artwork of Frances Hatch!


Another huge thank you to for their very kind donation! Year R have transformed the shop into Grandma's cottage from Little Red Riding Hood.


Year 5 had their first lesson on databases this term. They were able to sort, group and search answers to complete the Alien Quiz.


Year 5 had their first lesson on Databases this term. They were able to sort, group and search answers to complete the Alien Quiz.


Today some of our Year 5/6 boys had the opportunity to take part in a training session led by . It was a great learning experience for the boys, who came away full of enthusiasm!


Our Year 6 debating team took part in the School's Debate with the Mayor today at the Council Chamber in Kings Hill. They were very brave and all spoke in the debate using a microphone. We are very proud of them all. Politicians in the making!


If you can help in any way, please do get in touch!


A huge thank you to for their generous donation. The children are absolutely loving the new addition to the playground, we have great plans to decorate and make it into a shop. We look forward to showing you the finished result!


Elder Class had great fun last week completing work and activities based around Child Mental Health Week. We thought about what helps our mental health and how to express our emotions.


As part of our Mental Health Awareness Week, we have looked at the importance we play in groups. We also recognise that we are all unique and special.


Elm Class have really enjoyed their print making afternoon. It has been great to learn about the pressure that is needed to create a mark on the tiles.


Year 5 were thrilled to receive a signed photograph from Tim Peake. We certainly loved learning about him.


Number Day in KS1 at Aylesford has been the most amazing celebration of maths and fun! Year 2 can’t wait to try out their TT Rockstars logins for their times tables at home


Number day raising money for


Some of the amazing outfits seen today


Sycamore Class have loved making a class memory box for Children’s Mental Health Week. We are looking forward to adding our memories and feelings all year.


Thank you so much to the parents for supporting our Year 2 showcase session. We are looking forward to seeing how quickly they can grow and care for a healthy plant!


Congratulations to the four Year 5 and 6 children who took part in the Invicta Primary STEM Challenge. It was a fantastic event, they had an amazing time and we comfortably beat 10 other schools to first place!


REMINDER: Number day is this Friday (7th February). We can not wait to see your number and rockstar outfits! Please remember to donate £1 using the link below. https://www.just


Year 5 have loved learning about the history of space exploration this term. This week we have learned all about and his life onboard the ISS.


Our street art designs are showing great progress! Year 2 have used a huge range of skills to cut out and print their stencils.


Well done to Olivia in Sycamore class who was very proud after she won this medal for her amazing serving at her local tennis club! Keep up your hard work.


Senior Attendance Champion: Sara Lednor, Deputy Headteacher (

Coming to school every day is important for your child's future – both for social and academic progress but also as good preparation for the world of work. Parents and carers are responsible for making sure their children receive full-time education by going to school. 

At Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford gates open at 8.30am. At 8.50 am, registers are taken and pupils/students arriving after this time will be marked as late.

If your child is absent from school, you must notify the school office of the reason for the absence by 9am and confirm the reason for absence by email or letter when your child returns to school. If your child is ill, it is important that you call the school on the first day, and each subsequent day, to notify us of the reason for the absence. When your child returns to school, please confirm by email, phone call or letter the reason for their absence. 

Please note, that as a general rule, as recommended by Public Health England, we would expect that a child who has been suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea should be kept at home for 48 hours after the symptoms have stopped. 

If you are concerned about whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell, you can find useful guidance on the NHS website.

Repeated lateness or absences will be followed up by Mrs Lednor.

For medical or dental appointments, we request that, where possible, these take place outside the school day. If this is not possible, we request that you inform the school at the earliest opportunity. You may be asked to provide a copy of your appointment confirmation. Children will not be released from school during school hours without an advance request notification and the parent/carer being present.

Holidays are not permitted during term time and any other requested absences will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. All requests must be made in writing giving full details of the reason why the leave is needed.

Good attendance at school is not just valuable, it is essential. Going to school helps to develop friendships, social skills, team values, life skills, cultural awareness and career pathways. It is also directly linked to improved academic performance, further learning opportunities and good job prospects. 

If parents/carers are struggling with any aspect of attendance, we would like to know, so that we can support you in the best way we can.  Please do not be afraid to ask us for advice and support. 

We look forward to working with you and supporting one another to ensure good attendance for your child. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss attendance, please contact Mrs Lednor.

Thank you in advance for supporting our drive for good attendance. 

Other information:

You can read our full Attendance Policy here.

Parent leaflet regarding attendance and punctuality

Attendance Page diagram   VIAT (003)