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We were lucky enough to win a free Be Bright, Be Seen reflector for every child in the school from . So important for our children to be safe in the darker mornings and after school. Thank you!


Year 5 have been investigating how to separate materials in science using filtration, evaporation, sieving and use of a magnet.


Year 4 took on the Children in Need maths challenge today 🐻


Year 6 had a fantastic trip to Horton Kirby on Wednesday. They leant all about the lives of evacuees during World War Two in this small village, sat in an Anderson shelter and discovered the part residents played during the war.


We have been working hard at VIPS Aylesford to make sure we all show respect all of the time. This week for Anti Bullying Week we had a visit from Chris our local PCSO who talked to us all about the importance of respect and being kind.


Well done to the Year 5/6 boys football team who had their first match of the season this week. It was a tough game against a good opponent but the boys rallied together to earn a 3-3 draw.


On Monday VIPS Aylesford marked Remembrance Day with an assembly by Year 6 and a visit to Year 1 by some Veterans from . Our School Council have been selling poppies in school all week.


Year 1 were visited by the and thoroughly enjoyed sharing their knowledge on WWI and Remembrance. We asked some questions and learned some new facts. Thank you so much for visiting us!


Year 6 began their learning about World War Two this week and are finding it fascinating. Alex very kindly brought her great-grandfather’s medals in to share with the class - she is clearly very proud of him.


Year 4 enjoyed their learning launch for their new English text ‘The Dark’ when they read their books by torch light!


At the end of last term, our Hockey team competed against schools across Maidstone in a tournament at Maidstone Hockey Club and WON! 🏆 Well done Aylesford 🏑


As part of our learning about people who help us, EYFS have made thank you cards that are being delivered to Maidstone hospital and the ambulance service.#nhs


A big thank you to all the parents who attended the Year 6 showcase and learnt all about Pop Art and the Ben Day dots technique. Our theme of remembrance raised over £35 for the Royal British Legion!


Mulberry Class have had a fantastic end to the week. We have explored how exercise affects our body, and spend some time on the pirate ship, as a reward for winning the attendance bear TWO weeks in a row! Well done Mulberry Class 😊


Some of our children had the opportunity to attend their first ever cross country race last week. They were all amazing but a special shout out to Alarna (Y6) who won her race and Grace (Y2) who came 2nd in hers! Amazing achievements girls - well done!


Our Year 5s had a brilliant time at Maidstone Rugby Club playing tag rugby this week.


Year 4 have been competing in Times Table Rockstars competition with the other schools in our trust and with a lot of hard work, we have won! Well done Birch Class!


EYFS were visited by our local PCSO Chris and PC Hills today as part of our learning about people who help us. They got to try on the uniform and even have their finger prints taken.#peoplewhohelpus


What an afternoon! Year 1 visited Otterden Countryside Learning Centre


Year 5 were able to visit All Saints Church in Maidstone for LitFest today. We loved hearing about Joseph Coelho and his journey to becoming an author.


Ash class have been making mountains in D.T. Can you tell which type of mountain they all are?


More amazing portraits from our Year 2 parent showcase session. We can see how much the children have learned about sketching and proportion this term.


Thank you so much to the Year 2 parents who joined us for our showcase session yesterday. We were blown away by the talented artists in the room and some amazing portraits were created!


Year 6 received a visit from Mr Shaw, the Maidstone magistrate, today. They leant a great deal about the court system, different types of crimes and the punishments that can be given. Behaviour was exemplary!


Year 2 have had an amazing morning with our visiting author Stuart Heritage. The children were so engaged and excited to hear about the adventures of Invisidog! Thank you Stuart and .


At Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford, we believe that History encourages pupils to consider how the past has influenced the present, and how a variety of elements influenced people’s actions. Pupils will gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. History also develops the skills of researching and evaluating evidence, asking perceptive questions, thinking critically, the knowledge of past events, civilisations and personalities and the concepts of chronology. Learning about the past can influence pupils’ attitudes to the present and the future. 

The intent of our History curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Through their learning of key historical events, pupils are able to think critically about their unit of learning and make links to day to day life; this ensures the History curriculum is meaningful and purposeful for all pupils. As a result of this they will: 

  • Increase and develop their historical skills, concepts, knowledge and attitudes;
  • Increase their understanding of the present in the context of the past; 
  • Develop and use their skills in enquiry, analysis, evaluation, and argument; 
  • Develop their interest in the past, arousing their curiosity and motivation to learn; 
  • Develop a sense of identity through learning about the past. 

Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact


To build a History curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, which enables children to enquire, research and analyse in History. 

To design a history curriculum with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum History Programmes of study, to fulfil the duties of the NC whereby schools must provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities and responsibilities and experiences for later life.



· Progression of Knowledge and Skills 
A clear and robust progression of knowledge and skills is in place from EYFS through to the end of KS2, where teachers will build on prior understanding as they develop these skills throughout the pupils’ time at the school, ensuring that they are secondary ready by the time they leave Year 6.

·  Language
The promotion of a language-rich History curriculum is essential to the successful acquisition of knowledge and understanding in History. The promotion and use of an accurate and rich historical vocabulary throughout school is planned in history.

·  Knowledge Organisers
Children will have access to key knowledge, language and meanings to understand and use these skills across the curriculum.

·  History Focused Learning Walls
History Working Walls throughout school focus on key aspects of History and exemplify the terminology used throughout the teaching of History, BV and SMSC, which enables pupils to make links across the wider curriculum. This can be integrated with the class English learning wall.

·  Research
On occasions, children may be asked to research historical aspects of their learning independently. This allows the children to have ownership over their curriculum and lead their own learning in history.

·  Basic Skills
English, Maths and Computing skills are taught during discrete lessons but are revisited in History so children can apply and embed the skills they have learnt in a purposeful context.

·  Enhancement
We plan termly visits, visitors and educational trips to provide first-hand experiences for the children to support and develop their learning. We recognise that to have impact the planned cultural capital must be clearly linked to the statutory historical knowledge to be acquired and provide the opportunity for children to better understand the knowledge or apply what they already know.



·  Children will know more, remember more and understand more about history.

·  Children will understand and use the key skills of chronological understanding, knowledge and understanding of events in the past, historical interpretation, Historical enquiry and organisation and communication. 

·  All children will achieve age related expectations in History. 

·  As historians, children will learn lessons from history to influence the decisions they make in their lives in the future.