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Sausage rolls and fruit kebabs made at cooking club tonight! Delicious!#HealthEating


Year 5 were absolutely thrilled to receive a reply from school and hear about the difference their art work, cards and money raised has made to the staff and children.


Year 6 created fantastic mood boards in Art using a range of resources. These really helped develop their ideas for the WW2 propaganda posters they are going to make.


At lunch today, Luna and Victoria drew a fantastic diagram of our solar system on the chalkboards and gave a group of younger children a quick Science lesson! Well done, girls, for sharing your excellent subject knowledge!


Excellent map work and geographical skills in Year 2 day. The children loved trying a range of French foods whilst exploring facts about France in their country study.


We were thrilled to see so many children in KS1 earning their Basil Bear for 100 reads today. Such great commitment to their daily reading!


Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their science workshop this morning. They learnt a lot about optical illusions and chemical reactions.


Year 5 had a great learning launch for their topic of space this term. We even tried space food!


Year 3 making their moving monsters with a pneumatic system in DT this week!


Yesterday, Year 3 was joined by a WaterAid volunteer. The children saw how the money they raised will help people all across the world. Thank you for delivering the assembly to our children.


We all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner cooked by Amanda and our Cucina team and we had crackers provided by our amazing PTA. Merry Christmas.


Year 5 are so proud of their artwork raising £137 for . We are sending some Christmas cards and Lino prints to the hospital to thank their staff and hopefully bring some Christmas joy to the children.


EYFS have raised over £100 for the Salvation Army’s Be a Star Christmas campaign by baking and decorating biscuits this week.


Our choir visited Bradbury House in the RBLI village and sang some lovely Christmas songs for the residents.


Gymnastics results are in! Special shout out to the following children: Alarna - 1st place UKS2 🥇 Sofia - 2nd place UKS2 🥈 Mia - 3rd place UKS2 🥉 Zeynep - 3rd place UKS2 🥉 All teams placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd out of 7 schools. Well done Aylesford!


Year 4 had lots of fun in science this week finding out whether materials are conductors or insulators.


Year 2 have learned so much about cooking in DT this term. They showed an impressive range of skills to bake their flatbreads and make dips to go with them. They absolutely loved eating the finished products too!


Amazing concentration in our DT lesson in Year 2. The children have developed their cutting, chopping and slicing skills ready to make their healthy snacks.


Despite the wet weather on Tuesday, Year 3 still completed their sponsored walk for . Thank you to everyone who has donated. If you would still like to donate the link is below! Every penny is very much appreciated.


SANTA DASH 2024 🎅🏻 Thanks to our parents, staff and friends and a brilliant effort from all of our children, we managed to raise a huge £796 for Crisis!


Year 3 loved observing different types of soils in Science. We looked at the texture and appearance!


We are all working hard to improve our vocabulary and Ewan in Year 3 used our Word Of The Week in his writing and received his prize in assembly. So far we have had spontaneous, propelled and surprise.


Thank you so much to for our blind football resources. The children will absolutely love using these as part of our drive for sport for all.


Aylesford’s amazing Santa Dash fundraising for Crisis at Christmas. So proud of everyone who took part and supported.

Relationships and Sex Education

As a part of your child’s education at Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme.

PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential. It is taught throughout the school in every year group and this year it is even more important that you are aware of teaching content in order to support learning from home.

I am writing to let you know that, in the next few weeks, starting 15 June, if your child is in school, your child’s class will be taking part in lessons which will focus on the relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect of this programme.

The link below gives you key information about this teaching.

Why are we teaching this aspect of the curriculum?

Age four to six (Reception – Year 1): From this age, children should be able to identify safe situations and those which may be risky, like other children or adults taking improper photographs of them. They should be able to identify trusted adults (both at home and school) who they can talk to if they feel worried. Within this age group they should understand about different types of families, including those with same sex parents. The emphasis being on all different types of families.

Age six to eight (Year 2 – 3): Understanding the importance of boundaries within friendships and personal relationships is important, including online and through technologies such as mobile phones and games. They should know what films, programmes and online content they should and shouldn’t be watching, in addition to who to tell, if someone encourages them to watch inappropriate content (this is a grooming tactic).

Age eight to nine (Year 4): By this age, children need to be taught about the emotional and physical changes of growing up, coping strategies for different emotions, as well as looking after their bodies and the onset of puberty. We find that some girls may even be starting their periods in year 4, so it is critical that they have this knowledge at this age. We also recommend giving a gentle introduction to reproduction, this is the point at which we find we are able to tell children before they have received a muddled version from an older sibling or peers have been looking online for the definition of “sex”. 

Whilst some parents and teachers may question this age, it is important to know that ‘sex’ is spoken and sung about, widely in the media including in pop music aimed at children (e.g. Little Mix). If children type this simple word into the internet to find out what it means they will be presented with graphic and often disturbing images, so it is better to educate the children in a gentle age appropriate manner, than to leave them hungry for information.

Age nine to 11 (Year 5 – 6): At these ages it is important to review the previous information taught, as children tend to absorb and retain elements of the information when it is of relevance to them. So we allow children to ask more questions in these year groups, to ensure they understand what they have been taught and fill in any gaps in knowledge.

They will often want more details on conception, how babies develop (including twins) and are born. Sometimes they ask how people can get germs from sex and how they can be prevented, or there may be curiosity about feelings or body image – each group is different.

Lesson guidance

All PSHE teaching takes place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school ethos and values.

In teaching Relationships Education and RSE, we ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met, and that all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect.

We comply with the relevant provisions of the Equality Act 2010, under which sexual orientation and gender reassignment are amongst the protected characteristics.

However, we ensure that all of their teaching is sensitive and age appropriate in approach and content.

Useful resources

Year 6 Lesson 1

How does a baby start?

How does a baby start cards

Puberty changes - guide

Puberty body part cards

Relationship pictures

Relationship question cards

Reproduction questions sheet

Reproduction answer cards

Anonymous questions template

Communication answers