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If you can help in any way, please do get in touch!


A huge thank you to for their generous donation. The children are absolutely loving the new addition to the playground, we have great plans to decorate and make it into a shop. We look forward to showing you the finished result!


Elder Class had great fun last week completing work and activities based around Child Mental Health Week. We thought about what helps our mental health and how to express our emotions.


As part of our Mental Health Awareness Week, we have looked at the importance we play in groups. We also recognise that we are all unique and special.


Elm Class have really enjoyed their print making afternoon. It has been great to learn about the pressure that is needed to create a mark on the tiles.


Year 5 were thrilled to receive a signed photograph from Tim Peake. We certainly loved learning about him.


Number Day in KS1 at Aylesford has been the most amazing celebration of maths and fun! Year 2 can’t wait to try out their TT Rockstars logins for their times tables at home


Number day raising money for


Some of the amazing outfits seen today


Sycamore Class have loved making a class memory box for Children’s Mental Health Week. We are looking forward to adding our memories and feelings all year.


Thank you so much to the parents for supporting our Year 2 showcase session. We are looking forward to seeing how quickly they can grow and care for a healthy plant!


Congratulations to the four Year 5 and 6 children who took part in the Invicta Primary STEM Challenge. It was a fantastic event, they had an amazing time and we comfortably beat 10 other schools to first place!


REMINDER: Number day is this Friday (7th February). We can not wait to see your number and rockstar outfits! Please remember to donate £1 using the link below. https://www.just


Year 5 have loved learning about the history of space exploration this term. This week we have learned all about and his life onboard the ISS.


Our street art designs are showing great progress! Year 2 have used a huge range of skills to cut out and print their stencils.


Well done to Olivia in Sycamore class who was very proud after she won this medal for her amazing serving at her local tennis club! Keep up your hard work.


As part of their Geography learning, Year 6 made Cloud Finders and took them outside to identify which type of clouds we were experiencing today. They unanimously agreed we had a covering of stratus clouds which were the cause of the light rain.


Year 5 enjoyed their Sister Act dance and drama workshop. Thank you


Sausage rolls and fruit kebabs made at cooking club tonight! Delicious!#HealthEating


Year 5 were absolutely thrilled to receive a reply from school and hear about the difference their art work, cards and money raised has made to the staff and children.


Year 6 created fantastic mood boards in Art using a range of resources. These really helped develop their ideas for the WW2 propaganda posters they are going to make.


At lunch today, Luna and Victoria drew a fantastic diagram of our solar system on the chalkboards and gave a group of younger children a quick Science lesson! Well done, girls, for sharing your excellent subject knowledge!


Excellent map work and geographical skills in Year 2 day. The children loved trying a range of French foods whilst exploring facts about France in their country study.


We were thrilled to see so many children in KS1 earning their Basil Bear for 100 reads today. Such great commitment to their daily reading!


Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their science workshop this morning. They learnt a lot about optical illusions and chemical reactions.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our Vision for Early Years

In Early Years at Aylesford, we want parents and carers to feel secure in the knowledge that their child is well cared for and happy at school.

We want our children to be excited and motivated to learn through our rich and challenging learning experiences.

We have high expectations for all our children and recognise that children have different starting points to their learning. We plan according to children’s interests and stage of development so all can thrive and develop.

We aim for children to be well-rounded individuals who are independent, resilient, and confident in themselves and with others.

Our Early Years

Children settle quickly into our Early Years setting at Aylesford. In the summer term, teachers visit nurseries to spend time with the children in a familiar setting and find out more information from key workers. The parents and children have the opportunity to visit our EYFS setting, where they can meet the practitioners and their new peers. The PTA provide our new entrants with a ‘welcome learning pack’ which contains resources, activity ideas and information which support starting school. In September, practitioners complete home visits to see the children in another familiar setting and for parents and teacher to have time to ask questions and find out more information. The children have a gradual start to the term with part time hours in the first full week and then increase to full time hours in the second week.

Every day in our Early Years, there is an opportunity for every child to learn, make links and apply their knowledge.

Termly topic lead learning provides opportunities for children to receive high quality teaching to secure basic skills. There is an equal amount of both adult and child lead learning allowing children to gather new skills and knowledge, then consolidate their understanding through play.

Our Early Years Learning Environment

We are immensely proud of our learning environment and are privileged to have large and mature outside natural areas as well as our Year R Garden.

We take pride in our classrooms, and the children learn to respect their environment.

Our learning environment provides children with carefully planned opportunities which allow them to explore, create and learn through exciting, stimulating, interactive and accessible resources. It also facilitates child-initiated play both inside and outdoors.

About the Early Years Foundation Stage

The EYFS is a very important stage in a child’s life as it helps prepare for school ‘readiness’ as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes. Children’s EYFS experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure; and support their development, care and learning needs.  Children develop quickly; experiences before the age of five will have a major impact on their future life chances.

The EYFS framework explains how and what children will be learning to support their healthy development and provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

The EYFS specifies requirements for learning and development and for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. 

Children will learn skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.

Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first. These are:

  • Communication and Language;
  • Physical Development;
  • Personal, Social and Emotional development.

These prime areas are those most essential for a child’s healthy development and underpin a child’s future learning.

As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in four specific areas. These are:

  • Literacy;
  • Mathematics;
  • Understanding the World;
  • Expressive Arts and Design.

All 7 areas of learning are used to plan children’s learning and activities. The professionals teaching and supporting your child at school will make sure that the activities are suited to your child’s unique needs. It is designed to be responsive and flexible so that staff can follow your child's unique needs and interests. Opportunities to develop a number of skills and concepts across several areas of learning is also crucial.

Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. It is very important that they develop social skills, such as turn-taking, sharing and independence, which help them greatly in the next stages of their learning. 

The guiding principles that shape our practice in the Early Years are that children are born ready, able and eager to learn. They actively reach out to interact with other people, and in the world around them. Development is not an automatic process, however. It depends on each unique child having opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments.

Phonics teaching and learning are a key part of the Foundation Stage and help to develop early reading and writing skills. We use a proven, systematic phonics programme called Read Write Inc. You can find about more about how we teach phonics here:

You can read more about Read, Write Inc itself here:

Early Learning Goals

The EYFS curriculum consists of 17 aspects of learning and final Early Learning goals.

Children are assessed at the end of the EYFS (end of Reception year) against these Early Learning goals. From September 2021 onwards, each child’s level of development will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals (ELGs).  Practitioners will indicate whether children are meeting expected levels of development:

  • Emerging = not yet reaching expected levels of development for age;
  • Expected = reached expected levels of development for age.

At Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford, we provide our pupils with the opportunities to meet the Early Learning Goals in all these aspects.

Assessment plays an important part in helping parents, carers and practitioners to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs and to plan activities and support. Ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning and development process.  It involves practitioners observing children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles. Then using this to shape learning experiences for each child reflecting observations made.

To this end, we make systematic observations and assessments of each child's achievements, interests and learning styles.  We then use these observations and assessments to identify learning priorities and plan relevant and motivating learning experiences for each child.

At Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford, we use Tapestry to capture assessment detail and track progress towards the Early Learning Goals. We further strengthen this with detailed Maths and Literacy commentary and recordings of children’s work within their ‘My Learning’ books.

Year 1 teachers will communicate closely with Reception practitioners about each child’s skills and abilities in relation to the three key characteristics of effective learning. These will inform transition meetings to plan for learning needs and ensure all children can continue to flourish as they move into KS1.

To find out more about the EYFS framework please visit:

Early Years Curriculum at Aylesford

To find out more about our curriculum at Valley Invicta Primary at Aylesford, please click here.

Find out more by watching our video: