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Thank you to the very generous parents who gifted Mrs Choudhury with a special gift to celebrate Eid.


Amal in Willow class has completed a wonderful project all about animal adaptations and climate change at home. She has learned some amazing information and facts that she was then able to share with the class!


Year 2 had a fantastic parent showcase session and sewed the most creative finger puppets for their DT final outcome!


Raluka, in Willow Class spent time at home making a Tudor house following our history learning on The Great Fire of London. In D.T., we have also looked at architectural features of Tudor houses - can you name any?


Year 4 had a fantastic time at Kent County Showground performing their spy dance to a full audience of PE teachers across Kent. They even got a breakdancing and football trick show from and finished the day with a water fight! Well done Birch Class dance 🕺


Year 6 have completed some excellent diagrams of the heart and written about its functions in Science.


Four of our budding authors met earlier this week to learn about how to improve their writing. They had a very inspiring morning. Thank you to for hosting.


Willow class had a wonderful time today as Bockett’s farm. We were able to learn a lot of information about horses, see newly born piglets, ride on a tractor, touch a variety of small animals, and even became recycling superstars! Thank you , we had the best day!


We have thoroughly enjoyed every second of our trip to ! We’ve learned about the names of male, female and young animals and even got a ride on a tractor!


Eddie in Year 2 has been telling us all about the Rugby Tournament he took part in over the weekend. Well done Eddie! 🏉 If you have taken part in any exciting sporting events outside of school, we would love to hear about it! 🏆


Well done to our Year 4 mathematicians this week who came 3rd in The VIAT Maths Challenge! 🥉


KS2 enjoying the sunshine at lunchtime today.


Year 1 had a wonderful time at their phonics parent showcase. They were able to show their fantastic phonics knowledge and engage in some fun activities such as phonics snakes and ladders!


Year 6 were lucky enough to experience a heart dissection workshop (linking to our current science topic, and novel - Pig Heart Boy) with Dr Crouch - and three of his Sixth Form students - from Invicta Grammar School.


Thanks to Lynn’s Little Bookshop for our fabulous competition prize!


Well done to some of our Year 4 mathematicians for competing in the VIPS maths competition.


Year 1 Willow class had a wonderful time exploring their 5 senses yesterday. They used their senses to identify different tastes, textures, smells, sounds, and how objects look!


Year 1 are enjoying every moment of their History and D.T. learning. We have been learning about The Great Fire of London in History. We will a create our very own Tudor houses with hinge joints, wooden beams, small windows and many other interesting architectural features.


Elm Class have worked incredibly hard to become poets this week! Here is a range of writing from our publishing lesson. If you read the riddles, can you guess what is being described?


Thank you to who put on a 1-hour session for our girls football team today. The girls have all been invited to trial for the player development squad which they are all extremely excited about!


A huge congratulations to Zhilab in Year 6 who has joined development squad following a successful trial. This was after he was invited from the 1-hour session that took place during school last term.


Thank you to ⁦⁩ who put on a 1-hour session for our girls football team today. The girls have all been invited to trail for the player development squad which they are all extremely excited about!


Year 6 have demonstrated their culinary prowess today and made the Italian appetiser, Bruschetta, as part of our DT topic!


A massive congratulations to Elsie in Mulberry Class for achieving her Level 1 award at gymnastics. Keep up the great work!


Mulberry Class have been learning about different habitats and what they provide to animals in Science. We cannot wait to get outside and start investigating 🔎


Geography is the study of places. It explores the relationships between the world and its people. It studies the location of the physical and human features of the earth and the processes, systems and inter-relationships that create and influence them. It examines how people affect, manage and sustain their environment.
Geographical enquiry helps children to learn about their immediate surroundings, the broader world and how the environment can affect their lives and determine decision-making. The study of geography helps to develop a sense of identity and promotes responsible citizenship. 

We aim to ensure children:

  • To build a geographical curriculum that develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge of their world around them so that they know more, remember more and understand more. 
  • To build a geographical curriculum that endorses the importance for outdoor learning to build a curiosity for learning to help them to know more, remember more and understand more.

Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact


  • To build a geographical curriculum that develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge of their world around them so that they know more, remember more and understand more. This is through the use of:

·         planning with the National Curriculum

·         progression grid

·         subject specific content

·         appropriate connections to other curriculum areas


  • To build a geographical curriculum that endorses the importance for outdoor learning to build a curiosity for learning to help them to know more, remember more and understand more.



Knowledge Organisers and Learning Walls:

Children have access to key language and meanings in order to understand and readily apply to their written, mathematical and verbal communication of their skills, in a purposeful context. This promotes connections to be made across all foundation subjects where applicable. These can be integrated in the English learning wall.


Key Vocabulary:

The promotion of a language rich Geography curriculum is essential to the successful acquisition of knowledge and understanding in Geography.

Independent Learning:

In Geography children are encouraged to enquire about their topic of interest and develop their independence when locating places, describing places and exploring the outdoors.

Children will access resources to acquire learning through atlases, text books, maps, digital technology and photographs:

Children will use a range of secondary resources to develop their knowledge and understanding that is integral to their learning.  


In order to enhance the curriculum for geography children access the local area at least once a term; by making connections through all the different curriculum areas and have access to a local map. With this map they navigate and apply their geographical skills when accessing the local area.

Educational Visits to enhance their Cultural Capital:

Where applicable links to geography will be made to develop the children’s topical learning.

Outdoor Learning opportunities with the curriculum:

Teaching and Learning should plan for outdoor learning opportunities within geography lessons termly. This may be using the school grounds, local area or wider community to apply and explore their subject specific task.

Children will access their local environment to get a hands-on experience in their learning:

This may not be geography led but is an expectation that all pupils visit their local area at least once a term. Children will become more aware of their local environment and as they progress through their geographical education and use a map specific for their areas of enquiry.

Educational Visits to enhance their cultural capital:

Where applicable links to geography will be made to develop the children’s topical learning.

British Values and PSHE:

Children will learn and revisit the importance of our world and how it should be treated through a range of cultural capital activities and experiences.



· Children will achieve age related expectations in Geography at the end of their cohort year.

· Children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to geography with a real-life context.

·  Children will understand how geography ‘happens’ in their local area.

· Children will have a good understanding about the world around them and how it has been shaped.

·  Children will know more, remember more and understand more.

· The pupil voice will represent an understanding of what geography is and how they have applied this learning in a given context as part of a highlight task.

· Children will achieve age related expectations in Geography at the end of their cohort year.

· Children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to geography with a real life context.

· Children will understand how geography ‘happens’ in their local area.

· Children will begin to understand their wider world and the implications that we as citizens have on it.

· Children will work collaboratively to solve problems and explain the processes that they have taken/observed within a real-life context.

· Children will act as good citizens within their local community.