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As part of our learning about people who help us, EYFS have made thank you cards that are being delivered to Maidstone hospital and the ambulance service.#nhs


A big thank you to all the parents who attended the Year 6 showcase and learnt all about Pop Art and the Ben Day dots technique. Our theme of remembrance raised over £35 for the Royal British Legion!


Mulberry Class have had a fantastic end to the week. We have explored how exercise affects our body, and spend some time on the pirate ship, as a reward for winning the attendance bear TWO weeks in a row! Well done Mulberry Class 😊


Some of our children had the opportunity to attend their first ever cross country race last week. They were all amazing but a special shout out to Alarna (Y6) who won her race and Grace (Y2) who came 2nd in hers! Amazing achievements girls - well done!


Our Year 5s had a brilliant time at Maidstone Rugby Club playing tag rugby this week.


Year 4 have been competing in Times Table Rockstars competition with the other schools in our trust and with a lot of hard work, we have won! Well done Birch Class!


EYFS were visited by our local PCSO Chris and PC Hills today as part of our learning about people who help us. They got to try on the uniform and even have their finger prints taken.#peoplewhohelpus


What an afternoon! Year 1 visited Otterden Countryside Learning Centre


Year 5 were able to visit All Saints Church in Maidstone for LitFest today. We loved hearing about Joseph Coelho and his journey to becoming an author.


Ash class have been making mountains in D.T. Can you tell which type of mountain they all are?


More amazing portraits from our Year 2 parent showcase session. We can see how much the children have learned about sketching and proportion this term.


Thank you so much to the Year 2 parents who joined us for our showcase session yesterday. We were blown away by the talented artists in the room and some amazing portraits were created!


Year 6 received a visit from Mr Shaw, the Maidstone magistrate, today. They leant a great deal about the court system, different types of crimes and the punishments that can be given. Behaviour was exemplary!


Year 2 have had an amazing morning with our visiting author Stuart Heritage. The children were so engaged and excited to hear about the adventures of Invisidog! Thank you Stuart and .


Elms have really enjoyed making the Earth out of natural resources. We have learned that some people, called Christians, believe the world was created in 7 days.


Congratulations to all the Year 6 children who took part in Bikeability last week! The team were so impressed with your good manners and excellent listening skills. Certificates and badges coming soon!


Last week year 1 had a wonderful time at their Parent Showcase. It was lovely to see so much enjoyment and engagement in the different maths activities!


In computing, Ash class have started to learn about plagiarism and how to cite websites when copying text.


Mulberry Class have been busy creating story maps to support their retelling of Traction Man is here by Mini Grey. The children have loved the story so far!


I am thrilled to announce that we have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark, an award that recognises and develops excellent Science in schools! Well done to all staff for the incredible Science learning you provide for our children! Mrs Taylor


We are so proud of our 3 budding authors who have had their work selected for publication in the Young Writers Anthology!


Thank you to everyone who helped make our first Macmillan Coffee morning such a success. It was lovely to welcome some of our local residents to our school as well.


Board Games Club started this evening and we have some very competitive players (especially when playing 'On Your Marks')!


Year 6 have begun their learning about The Americas by learning about the different continents and states and tasting some traditional food: nachos and salsa, pancakes and maple syrup!


Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their Evolution workshop which launched their Science learning brilliantly. Thank you again to Andrew the Bug Man and his wonderful animals!


Posted on: June 11th 2024

Pupils donate their hair to Little Princess Trust

Three pupils from Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford are preparing to donate their hair to the Little Princess Trust – a charity that provides real hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer.

Year 2 pupil, Amber, aged 7, was inspired to help after losing her little sister Isabella to cancer five years ago. She will be having her hair cut at school,  on Friday 14 June, and will be joined by her friend Emily, also aged 7, who decided to support Amber by getting her hair cut for the charity at the same time.

Amber said: ‘I wanted to do this because I want everyone who has cancer to be able to have a wig.’

Emily said: ‘I am happy and a little bit scared about cutting my hair but I really wanted to do this with Amber.’

Later on this month, Year 6 pupil Lex, aged 11, will also be cutting his hair in aid of the Little Princess Trust. After his best friend’s mum was diagnosed with cancer and lost her hair through treatment, Lex grew his hair to the required 12 inches, in order to cut it off and donate it.

And it’s not the first time Lex has cut his hair for charity. Six years ago he shaved his head and raised £1,500 to help a family in need.

Lex will be having his hair cut at a community event in Larkfield on 30 June.

Lex said: ‘I think this is a good thing to do to help people going through cancer treatment, and I’m excited to see what my hair looks like after its cut. My classmates are really excited too!’

Family Liaison Officer for Valley Invicta Primary School at Aylesford, Zoe Adams, said: ‘These pupils are absolutely amazing. Their kindness, compassion and selflessness is truly wonderful to see and it’s fantastic to know that they will be helping other young people cope with the very difficult experiences they’re going through.’

Headteacher, Billy Harrington, said: ‘We couldn’t be more proud of Amber, Emily and Lex. We are looking forward to supporting them through all their brilliant fundraising efforts.’

You can support Amber, Emily and Lex by donating through the links below:




The Little Princess Trust has provided over 15,000 wigs to children and young people with hair loss. The charity has also invested £28 million into ground-breaking childhood cancer research. You can find out more from their website:

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